KPP Group Charter

1.Compliance with  laws and regulations

We comply with the laws, regulations and rules, both in letter and in spirit, of the countries and regions where we do business and conduct management with respect for societal norms.


2.Respect for human rights

We respect the human rights of all people, and do not discriminate against any race, ethnicity, gender, religion, creed or other personal characteristic.


3.Fair, free, and transparent business activities

We conduct business in an appropriate and transparent manner, based on free and fair competition. We also maintain healthy and proper relationships with governments and public administrations.


4.Gaining the trust of society and  business partners

We provide useful products and services that contribute broadly to the development of society. We also give due consideration to the protection of personal information and customer information, and act with integrity to build trust with business partners and users.


5.Promotion of sustainability management

We strive to enhance sustainability through our corporate activities, and widely contribute to the development of communities and society.


6.Proactive disclosure of corporate information

We properly disclose corporate information to stakeholders, including shareholders, and strive for positive, proactive communication with local communities.


7.Enhancement of the workplace environment

We aim to ensure the comfort and well-being of each and every employee through a healthy and positive working environment in which the personality and individuality of employees are respected.


8.Harmony with the natural environment

We strive to co-exist in harmony with the natural environment, prevent global warming and contribute to a future rich in biodiversity.


9.Thorough risk management

We have built a risk management system and practice thorough and systematic crisis management to be prepared for natural disasters, cyber-attacks, activities of antisocial forces, terrorism, and other threats to civic life and business activities.


10.Attitude of top management

In line with the spirit of this charter, our executives will strive to establish an effective governance system, ensure that it is implemented Group-wide, and keep stakeholders apprised of its content.


Madoka Tanabe
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer