Recognizing the importance of protecting personal information handled in the course of its business operations, KPP abides by the laws and regulations including the Law on the Protection of Personal Information and strives to protect personal information based on the following policy.

1.Acquisition of Personal Information

We acquire personal information through lawful and fair means.

2.Use of Personal Information

In using the personal information acquired by the Company, the Company will use it only within the range of purposes of its use and will not use it beyond the specified range of purposes of its use.

3.Provisioning of Personal Information to Third Party

Except when required by a law or a regulation, the Company will not provide personal information to a third party without first obtaining an agreement by the person himself or herself.

4.Safety Control measures

Strictly managing personal information,we implement preventive and safety measures against unlawful accesses, losses, destruction, falsification, leakage and other cases.

5.Disclosure, Correction, etc. of Personal Information

In accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Personal Information, we will take appropriate actions when it receives a request for disclosure, correction, deletion or other action from the person himself or herself.

6.In-house Education and Training

We will provide in-house education and training and will strive to thoroughly disseminate information on the appropriate handling of personal information.

Established: June 7, 2005
Kokusai Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.
Madoka Tanabe President & CEO

For more information on the handling of personal information, please contact:

Purposes for Use of Personal Information

The personal information acquired by us from our customers, suppliers and other sources will not be used for purposes other than provisioning, modification or improvement of its commodities and services, and provisioning of related information.

Please contact the following organization if you have any questions regarding the management of personal information by the Company.


General Affairs Section, General Affairs Department, General Affairs  Division, KPP Group Holdings Co., Ltd.

6-24 Akashicho, Chuo-ku, 104-0044 Tokyo Japan

Telephone: +81-3-3542-4110