KPP Group is a trading company specializing in the pulp and paper field, founded in 1924.
Consolidated sales are the largest in Japan and the third largest in the world (as of March 31, 2024).
As of March 31, 2024, KPP operates in 47 countries, 182 cities, and 187 locations.
- Domestic
- Overseas

KPP Group Holdings was established in 1924. With our sights set on meeting the needs of every era, we have continuously contributed to cultural development.


※As of March 31, 2024


※As of March 31, 2024
billion yen
billion yen
Suppliers: Approx.4,000companies
Companies: Approx.100,000companies
The history of KPP Group Holdings is divided into four major periods.
Foundation period
Daido Yoshiten, the predecessor of Kokusai Pulp & Paper, was established during the rise of modern paper manufacturing
Daido Yoshiten, the predecessor of Kokusai Pulp & Paper, was established during the rise of modern paper manufacturing Daido Yoshiten, the predecessor of Kokusai Pulp and Paper, was founded in Osaka in 1924, and opened its first overseas branch in Shanghai in 1925. Later, it opened representative offices in Singapore in 1956 and Melbourne in 1969, actively expanding overseas from the early days of the Company. Rapid growth of the Company driven by the increasing demand for paper during the postwar reconstruction period and the high economic growth period.

Development period
Expanded business through mergers and proceeded to operate globally at the center of industry reorganization
At the time, mergers and integration of manufacturers and trading companies were being repeated as industry reorganization progressed. The Company also merged with trading company of pulp Oji Group Trading in 1973 and was renamed to DaiEi Papers. It later merged with major paper distributor Nichia in 1999 and was renamed to the current name of Kokusai Pulp & Paper. The Company also merged with Hattori Paper & Board in October 2006. It also expanded overseas into various areas in Asia during this period.

Second period of expansion
Proceeded with business structural reform and expansion of business domains, evolving into one of the world’s leading pulp and paper trading companies
The Company absorbed Sumisho Paper in 2013, and expanded business portfolio to include raw materials. It also achieved its longstanding goal of being listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2018, obtaining social credibility and strengthening its business foundation. After being listed, the Company adopted a global inorganic strategy, and acquired Spicers, a major paper distributor in Australia in 2019.

Evolution into one of the world’s leading pulp and paper companies
Aiming to become the top paper distributor in the world while looking to the 100th anniversary in 2024 and beyond
The Company acquired Antalis, the top paper distributor in Europe, in 2020, resulting in the expansion of the Group’s network to 133 cities in 45 countries and territories. It entered a new stage by becoming a global paper distributor with around 50% of sales from overseas and 5,530 employees on a consolidated basis. Going forward, we will create synergies through collaboration with overseas Group companies and transform our business portfolio. The KPP Group will continue to evolve as it moves toward its 100th anniversary in 2024 and across the century beyond that.

Ahead of the centennial anniversary of its founding due in 2024, we have mapped out a long-term management vision.
Against the backdrop of great changes that are taking place in the environment surrounding the paper and pulp industry, the plan sets an axis of coordinates for the KPP Group to achieve sustainable growth.

KPP Group Holdings Co., Ltd. renewed its Group philosophy "KPP Group Way" in line with the transition to a holding system.

In revising this report, we incorporated the concept of "Perfect Management" and discussed the significance of the existence of the KPP Group in a project launched for organizational reform in 2021. As a global company with 187 sites in 182 cities in 47 countries around the world (as of the end of March 2022), we aim to be a company that contributes to the creation of a sustainable society based on the new KPP Group Way, as we look ahead to our 100th anniversary in 2024 and the next 100 years.